Will I ever stop screwing things up?
   Why do I so often start out well and then forget to stick to my plan?
   Why have I said such stupid things again?
   Why did I blow such a great relationship?
   Why did I forget to keep such an important appointment?
   How could I lose my way, going down such a familiar path?
   Why did I drink so much again, even though I know better?
   Why did I stay out so late when I had such important things to do the next morning?
   Why did I boast about things I never accomplished?
   Why do I pretend to be someone different than who I really am?
   Am I doomed to be so weak and lost forever?
   Why do I so often end up in the wrong place when I know the right way so well?
   Why am I on a road to Hell paved with good intentions?
   Why do I do the opposite of what I know is right and good!
   I’m tired of it all; sometimes I think I’d be better dead!
   I want to change who I am and what I’m doing.

   When I really look in the mirror—a real one that really shows the truth, one that doesn’t fake it by showing me what I want to see—it’s usually a downer!
   It seems I’m always letting myself down; I’m so often not getting things right; I keep making dumb choices! What’s wrong with me!
   You’re a creature, not the Creator!
   You’re limited, not all knowing!
   You’re weak, not all powerful!
   You’re right to be saddened, because you really know better.
   Don’t let yourself sink deeper into the swamp of self-reproach, regret, and sadness because of broken intentions and despair!
   You know you should know better. You’ve seen the warning signs. You know deep down inside yourself where your road is really going. You know you’ve failed before and will fail again.
   Okay, you are facing reality, you are trying to be very honest, brutally honest!
   It means you have to accept the fact that you’ve blown things before and are doing it again! You know very well—proven by long experience—that you’re not perfect and you’re not infallible!
   Let’s face it, your report card about your life may have some high scores, but it’s never going to be 100%.
   It’s not your laziness, indifference, failings, or stupidity—it’s just that you’re fundamentally imperfect, in the exact meaning of the word.
   Because you’re not the Creator, you’re always going to be limited unless he intervenes and helps you.
   That’s the great secret: With The Help Of God All Things Are Possible!

9 July 2023

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