The celebrant goes to the middle of the altar, kisses it, and turning to face the congregation says:

   Dominus vobiscum.
   r. Et cum spiritu tuo.

   The Lord be with you.
   r. And with your Spirit.

   At High Mass the deacon sings or at Low Mass the celebrant says:

   Ite, Missa est.
   r. Deo gratias.

   Go, the Mass in ended.
   r. Thanks be to God.

   However when there is no Gloria during the Mass, instead of Ite, Missa est the deacon or celebrant says Benedicamus Domino. Let us bless the Lord. (The response remains the same.)
   At Masses for the dead, the deacon or celebrant says Requiescant in pace. May they rest in peace. and the response is Amen.