The celebrant prepares for communion, reciting three preparatory prayers (the first of which is omitted at Masses for the dead):
Domine Jesu Christe, qui dixisti Apostolis tuis: Pacem relinquo vobis, pacem meam do vobis; ne respicias peccata mea, sed fidem Ecclesiae tuae: eamque secundum voluntatem tuam pacificare et coadunare digneris: Qui vivis et regnas Deus per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.
O Lord Jesus Christ, who said to your apostles, Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; look not upon my sins, but upon the faith of your Church; and vouchsafe to grant her peace and unity according to your will: O God who lives and reigns world without end. Amen.
At High Mass the Priest here kisses the altar, which represents Christ, and gives the kiss of peace to the deacon, saying: Pax tecum. Peace be with you. The kiss of peace is neither given at Low Mass nor at Masses for the dead.
Domine Jesu Christe, Fili Dei vivi, qui ex voluntate Patris, cooperante Spiritu sancto, per mortem tuam mundum vivificasti: libera me per hoc sacrosanctum Corpus et Sanguinem tuum ab omnibus iniquitatibus meis, et universis malis: et fac me tuis semper inhaerere mandatis, et a te numquam separari permittas: Qui cum eodem Deo Patre et Spiritu sancto vivis et regnas Deus in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, who according to the will of the Father, through the cooperation of the Holy Spirit, has by your death given life to the world: deliver me by this your most holy Body and Blood from all my transgressions and from all evils; make me always adhere to your commandments and never suffer me to be separated from you; who with the same God the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Perceptio Corporis tui, Domine Jesu Christe, quod ego indignus sumere praesumo, non mihi proveniat in judicium et condemnationem: sed pro tua pietate prosit mihi ad tutamentum mentis et corporis, et ad medelam percipiendam: Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Patre in unitate Spiritus sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Let not the partaking of your Body, O Lord Jesus Christ, which I, though unworthy, presume to receive, turn to my judgment and condemnation: but through your goodness may it be for me a safeguard and a healing remedy both of soul and body; who lives and reigns with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end. Amen.

The celebrant genuflects, and taking the host, says:
Panem caelestem accipiam, et nomen Domini invocabo.
I will take the bread of heaven, and call upon the name of the Lord.

Striking his breast, he repeats three times the words of the centurion whose faith and humility obtained the healing of his servant, (the server ringing the bell three times):
Domine, non sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum: sed tantum dic verbo et sanabitur anima mea.
Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof; say but the word and my soul shall be healed.